Hitherby Dragons Storytime

Volume 1: Jane, or, A Series of Brothers

How four brothers sought—in linear succession—to answer their sister’s pain.

1. Scrape. Scrape. Crunch. Legend
A legend, that is to say a show, performed in 2004 by Jane and her final brother Martin.
2. What is Hitherby Dragons? Merin
3. Daniel History (1976)
The history of Daniel’s attempt to rescue his sister Jenna, who would later become Jane, from the monster.
4. A Story Legend
5. Classifying Things Legend
6. Alan History (Early 1980)
The history of the birth of Alan, brother to Jenna, who will become Jane.
7. She Puts on Shows Merin
8. The Truth Legend
A legend that misleads, perhaps, to reveal a truer reality.
9. Tenebrae History (1975)
A history with insights into woglies and the monster.
10. Scanning Things Legend
11. Bob History (October 28, 1989)
The history of Bob’s attempt to keep his sister Jane safe.
12. Woglies Merin
13. Before He Was Cool History (March 22, 1995)
Martin, Jane’s final brother, is born on a night of screams and fire.
14. The Girl And The Rat Legend
15. Broderick Merin
16. The Angels History (December 8, 1996)
In which Jane, amidst inexplicable circumstances, meets four angels for the first time.
17. Jane’s Father Legend
18. The Righteousness Game Legend
19. Jane Confronts the Problem of Martin Legend
20. Martin History (2001)
Martin meets the monster.

Holiday Bonus

Necessary Things
A legend of Santa.

Volume 2: The Tunnels

In which Jenna examines various locations in light of their suitability for the story to follow, which is to say, her existence.

1. The River at the Edge of the World Legend
2. Ninja Tathagata Merin
3. Dumping Glue on a Log Legend
4. Tunnel Rat History (1973; January 12, 1974; April 6, 1974)
Introducing Jenna’s original brother, Sebastien.
5. In A World Rapidly Turning To Cards Legend
6. Dragons Merin
7. The Tunnels History (January, 1974; April 6, 1974)
Jenna and the hero, her brother Sebastien, part ways.